ID: Woman sliding down a water slide with her hands in the air. One hand is limb different.

Celebrate Freedom by Unhiding

It may seem silly, but this past weekend, I decided to try something new—I went down a water slide for the first time ever. As I zipped down and plunged into the pool, I felt a rush of freedom and joy. It wasn’t just the ride that brought exhilaration; it was the liberating feeling of…

ID: B/W photo: white woman wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket. One hand rests on her chin. Words: To Hide or Not To Hide? (Photo by Molly Zacher)

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Unhide at Work

How do I know if I should unhide at work? This is a common question I hear. It touches on personal identity, workplace dynamics, and living more openly. Deciding to unhide parts of your identity at work can be challenging but also very rewarding. Based on insights from my speaking engagements and books, Singlehandedly and…